About MissingTrekker.com
What is MissingTrekker.com?
MissingTrekker.com is an informational website set up to help family, friends and others who are searching for missing trekkers in Nepal. Currently there is no central or “one place” for people to go and either post information about a missing trekker or find information on what to do if someone goes missing while trekking in Nepal.
Why does MissingTrekker.com exist?
Before MissingTrekker.com there was no place friends or people looking for information on missing trekkers in Nepal could go. MissingTrekker.com exists because of this.
MissingTrekker.com does not report missing trekkers in Nepal to anyone other than on its own page of missing trekkers. MissingTrekker.com does give general guidelines on what a person should and who they should contact about a missing trekker.
Who set up and runs MissingTrekker.com?
MissingTrekker.com was set up and is run by David Ways. A travel author and publisher who has specialized in travel to Nepal. David is also the founder of The Longest Way Home.
As part of The Longest Way Home’s best travel guides to Nepal David has been frequently contacted by worried family members and friends of missing trekkers over the years. David’s travel research into Nepal uncovered the fact that no organization had a dedicated list of missing trekkers in Nepal past or present. So MissingTrekker.com was created. Since its launch the Nepali police have, since Aug 2016, stated they will now keep a list of all missing tourists (source) – so that’s one major milestone accomplished. MissingTrekker.com continues to provide a dedicated portal specifically for Missing Trekkers.
MissingTrekker.com is privately supported by David along with several people throughout Nepal who continuously keep the site updated with new information on missing trekkers in Nepal.
How can you support MissingTrekker.com
The best way to support MissingTrekker.com is to spread the word so that those in need can benefit from it. If you see someone online who’s asking for help about a missing trekker then let them know about MissingTrekker.com.
Despite many families and loved ones contacting us for help, very few have ever donated to help us in our work. Likewise, we get zero support from any organisation, official or otherwise, in Nepal. Every little bit helps to keep this site going, from helping to organise searches for missing trekkers and indeed the emotional support we have given people.
Please support MissingTrekker.com by purchasing one of the following guidebooks to Nepal.